9 year old commits suicide over socks

In a bizzare incident a child aged 9 committed suicide

By Marrian Rushwaya

Feb 11, 2024

In a heartbreaking incident that has left Mahamba villagers in Gokwe tongue tied a 9 year old boy committed suicide on 7 February at about 0800hours after he failed to locate his School socks.

The Midlands Police Spokesperson confirmed the incident.

He said the juvenile failed to locate his pair of socks when he was preparing for school.

"It is alleged that the now deceased Clive Mpala of Village Mahamba Chief Sai, Gokwe was doing grade 4 at Zhamba Primary School woke up to prepare for School. He failed to locate his pair of socks and he asked his grandmother Patricia Munkuli a female aged 50years who was staying with him. The grandmother is said to have assisted the boy and could not find them.

She informed Mpala not to go School. She then went to Zhamba Business Centre to buy groceries leaving him at home. On her return she found the body of Mpala hanging from a shed at the homestead", said Inspector Mahoko.

The body was conveyed to Gokwe South District Hospital by police who attended the scene.

Police however appeals to anyone with information of what could have transpired leading to the death of the juvenile to contact the Police and assist in the investigations.

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